Q345qD steel for the bridge, is dedicated to the construction of railway or highway bridge plate. Requires higher strength, toughness and withstand rolling stock
Load and impact, and must have good fatigue resistance, a certain degree of low temperature tThe introduce for Q345qD steel for the bridge

Q345qD steel for the bridge, is dedicated to the construction of railway or highway bridge plate. Requires higher strength, toughness and withstand rolling stock
Load and impact, and must have good fatigue resistance, a certain degree of low temperature toughness and atmospheric corrosion resistance. Welded bridge steel should also have good weldability and low notch sensitivity.
Brand representation
The grade of steel is composed of Hanyu pinyin letters, yield strength values, Hanyu pinyin letters of bridge characters, quality grade symbols, etc. on behalf of yield strength. For example Q345qD, where:
Q-steel yield strength "Qu" word pinyin first letter; 345- yield strength values, in units of MPa;
q-bridge steel bridge "Pinyin" first letter of the alphabet; D-quality grade D-level (grade is divided into C, D, E).
Q345qD features
When the user requires the thickness direction of the performance of the steel plate, add a sign indicating the performance level in the thickness direction (Z direction), for example, Q345qEZ15.
C, D, E are different, referring to the different impact temperature in their performance. Respectively: Q345qC level, 0 degree impact; Q345qD level, it is -20 degree impact; Q345qE level, it is -40 degree impact. In different impact temperature, the impact of the value is different.
Q345QC National Executive Standard "GB-T714-2008"
For the construction of railways, highways and bridges, bridges and high-rise buildings with steel bridge. Requires a higher strength, toughness and bear the load and impact of rolling stock, but also fatigue resistance, good low temperature toughness and atmospheric corrosion resistance.
Welded bridge steel should also have good weldability and low notch sensitivity.